A few of the old man’s favorite things

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… I’ve been back from Nevada for a week now and it’s been almost two weeks since I lost my dad. I have to say that I’ve been totally floored by the number of friends that have reached out, called, sent notes and messages. A few years ago, I was basically underground […]


Counting my blessings for 2009

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…….. I’ve noticed in the last 30 days or so how a handful of people have addressed me in a very soothing, friendly, caring tone about how I shouldn’t worry; the year 2010 is going to be much better ” than this past year was for me “. These reassurances come from […]


It’s a big party night & a big fundraiser night too

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. Tomorrow night, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, is now widely acknowledged as perhaps the most popular night of the year for people to go out. I first heard this in the early ’90s when I was a regular on the bar/party scene. I didn’t hear it so much when I first starting going […]


George Carlin knew bullshit when he saw it

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. I’m feeling a little bit on the ledge today. Why is it that whenever you seem to be working hardest toward your goals and really doing everything “right”, that is when you make the least progress and suffer the most setbacks? It’s times like that when shortcuts and cheating one’s way […]

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