100th Blog Takes a Nostalgic Look Back

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…………. Today is already the 100th blog post since I decided to re-energize this forum that was created and once overseen by the late, great “Morty”. One of my posts paid tribute to Morty when he passed away back in January 2010. I was proud to have written that one and happy to be able to […]


Rough Time For Some on Survivor

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. I had to DVR this past Thursday’s episode of Survivor and watch it on Sunday because I was out celebrating my 40th birthday from Thursday afternoon thru Saturday night. But now that I got that out of my system, it’s back to business. Looking for jobs and posting blogs. Thursday’s show […]


Asshole of the Month February 2010

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…….. Being a short month as it is, and with me usually taking weekends off, there was only a tad over three weeks for this month’s Asshole of the Month to present theirself. And I found myself a little short on candidates to be honest. In the end, it came down to […]


I’ll Give Ya A Hero

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… As I see a couple of the biggest back-patting pageants on full display lately, it reminds me of how much we over-glorify those that don’t deserve it. People who have no business being celebrated in the overblown manner in which these shows do it. They are not deities. A good deal […]


Russell loses to Natalie in Survivor finale

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. In the two hour season finale of Survivor on Sunday night, southern belle Natalie beat mastermind Russell to win the $1,000,000 prize. I watched with a couple of fellow rabid fans and then a guy who had never watched an episode before. Ever. So it was all new and oftentimes amusing […]


Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. I don’t have a lot against our President, Barack Obama. I really don’t. I try very hard and purposely to live a life as detached from politics as possible. To me, the President is just a figurehead anyway. He’s the guy we send to summits and photo ops to represent the […]

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