Politics, schmolitics

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… So a lot of people seem very happy that the Republicans won the special election out there in Massachusetts. Even the woman who gave me my haircut at SuperCuts or GreatClips or wherever the hell I got it said she hoped the Dems “get what they have coming to ’em “.    And my […]


Like the news….keeping you up-to-date (but the truth)

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. We were waiting for a decent snowstorm to start landing today and into tomorrow to the tune of 5-9 inches. My area would have only gotten about 5 inches. But up near Rockford and that northern area, they were predicting as much as 9 inches. Right up until last night I […]


Like it or not, here comes winter

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. So WGN weatherman Tom Skilling says the Chicagoland area is in for some rain/snow precipitation this evening and into the night. Nothing major, but our first little taste of seeing some snowflakes hit the ground. Or at least some frozen sleet. Now normally I have a hard time believing Tom Skilling […]

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