Politics, schmolitics

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… So a lot of people seem very happy that the Republicans won the special election out there in Massachusetts. Even the woman who gave me my haircut at SuperCuts or GreatClips or wherever the hell I got it said she hoped the Dems “get what they have coming to ’em “.    And my […]


Cool Christmas gifts from my childhood

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. I was talking with a friend of mine recently, and we were remembering some of the more thoughtful and cool gifts that we have either given or received thru the years. Both of us lamented the fact that unfortunately most people don’t put a hell of a lot of thought into […]


Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. I don’t have a lot against our President, Barack Obama. I really don’t. I try very hard and purposely to live a life as detached from politics as possible. To me, the President is just a figurehead anyway. He’s the guy we send to summits and photo ops to represent the […]

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