Are you sure you know your neighbor that well?

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… On Sunday, I was given yet more inspiration from some of the football crowd for some interesting discussion. Don’t worry….it has nothing to do with football for the non-sports fans out there. But I do think I have to come up with a name for this collective group of guys who […]


New Feature: It’s The Asshole of the Month Award !

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. The subtitle on this blog says, “Dude, these are the things that are scraping my nerves.” A lot of people and things have been scraping my nerves lately. So I figured it was time to introduce a new feature. Actually, I’m stealing it from a very reputable magazine–Hustler. It was always my […]


Are There Any Really Good Scams Left Out There ?

Posted by Gmoney on October 19, 2009 in crime, justice, Las Vegas, missing children, movies, NFL football, scams/hoaxes, Sopranos, sports, trends |

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…………. As the story continues to unfold about the jackass out in Colorado who (at this point) seems to have definitley staged his balloon taking off with his young son allegedly on-board, it put me to thinking. I’m a guy that loves a good scam. I’ve participated in a number of them. […]


So what’s up in the news lately ?

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………… There’s been some fairly interesting things going on in the news the last week or so. Let’s take a quick look…. * While I was watching the Hawks game at one of my favorite watering holes on Friday, the news came out that Chicago was the first city rejected in the 2016 Olympics […]

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