I’ll Give Ya A Hero

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… As I see a couple of the biggest back-patting pageants on full display lately, it reminds me of how much we over-glorify those that don’t deserve it. People who have no business being celebrated in the overblown manner in which these shows do it. They are not deities. A good deal […]


Updates……We Got Updates Here…..Get your ice-cold updates !!!

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. The Bears tried to save a little face yesterday against the hapless Cleveland Browns and accomplished that goal—-a little bit. I didn’t think there could be a worse team in football than the Detroit Lions after we played them. But Cleveland sucks pretty bad too. And despite the Bears easy victory, […]


New Feature: It’s The Asshole of the Month Award !

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. The subtitle on this blog says, “Dude, these are the things that are scraping my nerves.” A lot of people and things have been scraping my nerves lately. So I figured it was time to introduce a new feature. Actually, I’m stealing it from a very reputable magazine–Hustler. It was always my […]

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