Asshole of the month January 2010
Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… This month’s slimy stool could actually be the Asshole of the Month in just about any month over the past few years. The people who have been around him would tell you that thought could really apply to the last several years. But this scumbag is in the news yet again as […]
It’s a big party night & a big fundraiser night too
Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. Tomorrow night, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, is now widely acknowledged as perhaps the most popular night of the year for people to go out. I first heard this in the early ’90s when I was a regular on the bar/party scene. I didn’t hear it so much when I first starting going […]
A Couple of Departures; One Good, One Bad
Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. Yesterday was a day where I learned of a couple of farewells happening in the world. Actually, I did know that one was imminent. But the other one caught me a bit off guard. You could also say that one departure was a good one. The other one I am a little disappointed to hear […]
George Carlin knew bullshit when he saw it
Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. I’m feeling a little bit on the ledge today. Why is it that whenever you seem to be working hardest toward your goals and really doing everything “right”, that is when you make the least progress and suffer the most setbacks? It’s times like that when shortcuts and cheating one’s way […]
Are There Any Really Good Scams Left Out There ?
Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…………. As the story continues to unfold about the jackass out in Colorado who (at this point) seems to have definitley staged his balloon taking off with his young son allegedly on-board, it put me to thinking. I’m a guy that loves a good scam. I’ve participated in a number of them. […]
A Couple of Updates and Random Thoughts
Dude, I’m tellin ya………….. I thought I’d go back and address a couple of points or predictions I made recently and see how they came out. Maybe offer up a couple of new random thoughts or observations as well. In my first-ever blog on this site, I ranted about the special treatment that celebs get—-particularly […]
Will the Media Give it a Rest Already ?
Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……. Now here’s one of those topics that would have absolutely no legs to it if it weren’t for the media pretending the public has an unquenchable thirst for more discusion. The octomom is a good example. Not one person I know personally ever gave a damn about this woman. No one spoke about […]
The celebrity bennies never end
Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……. It’s not enough that all these celebrities that get shoved down our throat every day get paid all the money that we are oh-so aware of. We all know a Julia Roberts or a Brad Pitt or a Jim Carrey get $20 million a movie. Or that Derek Jeter or Alex […]