Corey Haim and Me Not So Different

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. So I wake up this morning to read the reports that former teen star Corey Haim died from a drug overdose. One of the stars of The Lost Boys and License to Drive. He was 38. And today is my very last day of being 39 years old. Tomorrow is my […]


Why in God’s Name Would You Cheat ??

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… I’ve explored a couple of angles of infidelity in some previous posts. In one of them, I just observed that for the most powerful people around, cheating on their spouse comes with the territory. If you are a Congressman or a captain of industry, there is just a sense of entitlement that comes […]


Just some observations in this crazy world

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. Thought it was time to take a quick look at the world around me lately and tell you what I see. First off, the hard chargin’ band  West 34  is ready to jam out again this Saturday night at Rolling Lanes (bar) bowling alley in Countryside. If you missed them at […]


A few of the old man’s favorite things

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… I’ve been back from Nevada for a week now and it’s been almost two weeks since I lost my dad. I have to say that I’ve been totally floored by the number of friends that have reached out, called, sent notes and messages. A few years ago, I was basically underground […]


I’ll Give Ya A Hero

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… As I see a couple of the biggest back-patting pageants on full display lately, it reminds me of how much we over-glorify those that don’t deserve it. People who have no business being celebrated in the overblown manner in which these shows do it. They are not deities. A good deal […]


Are you sure you know your neighbor that well?

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… On Sunday, I was given yet more inspiration from some of the football crowd for some interesting discussion. Don’t worry….it has nothing to do with football for the non-sports fans out there. But I do think I have to come up with a name for this collective group of guys who […]


Are There Any Really Good Scams Left Out There ?

Posted by Gmoney on October 19, 2009 in crime, justice, Las Vegas, missing children, movies, NFL football, scams/hoaxes, Sopranos, sports, trends |

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…………. As the story continues to unfold about the jackass out in Colorado who (at this point) seems to have definitley staged his balloon taking off with his young son allegedly on-board, it put me to thinking. I’m a guy that loves a good scam. I’ve participated in a number of them. […]

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