Back in the Saddle Again

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… Sometimes the irony of how the world works just blows my mind. Here I go and celebrate the 100th post on dudeimtellinya.com on March 16th and within that post I raised the question of how long it might take to get to 200 posts. I even ventured that hopefully I would […]


100th Blog Takes a Nostalgic Look Back

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…………. Today is already the 100th blog post since I decided to re-energize this forum that was created and once overseen by the late, great “Morty”. One of my posts paid tribute to Morty when he passed away back in January 2010. I was proud to have written that one and happy to be able to […]


Now That I’m 40, How ‘Bout A Bucket List ?

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. So as I announced Wednesday, yesterday was my 40th birthday. I made it. Sometimes there was some question as to whether that would happen. But over the last four or five years, I increased the chances quite a bit by settling into a more sedentary lifestyle. That certainly helped. So where am […]


A Little From the Sports Pages

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. A couple of things have happened in the sports world with a local flavor. On Friday, the Chicago Bears signed free agent Pro Bowl defensive end Julius Peppers to a huge contract. They also signed running back Chester Taylor away from the Minnesota Vikings where he’s been a pretty decent back […]


Approaching the wrong side of 40

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… In about a week, I’ll be turning 40. It hadn’t even dawned on me until the last few days. I have much greater things to worry about at this precise moment such as finding work and meeting the April 1 rent. But as I inch closer to that ceremonial mark—that is […]


Looking For Jobs the Worst Job of All

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. So I’m still looking for work in this country after 14 months. Somehow when I turn on the TV and watch those six (and seven) figure newscasters spout off that the recession is over and the economy is on the upswing, I just don’t know what planet they’re really on. Of […]


My Dirty Dozen Prophecies Revisited

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………… Well, it’s been another 7 or 8 weeks since I last reviewed my Dirty Dozen prophecies that I made on 11/5/09. I last checked on them 12/23/09 and a couple had already come true. And I know that another one came awfully close since then—but failed—so I thought perhaps I’d take […]


If you don’t have a brother, get yourself one

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. I’ve extolled the virtues of family on some of my posts here a few times. My dad is battling some ill health right now and the whole family’s thoughts are with him constantly. My mom is the rock of the family. The epitome of a classic mom. Marian Cunningham from Happy […]


Politics, schmolitics

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… So a lot of people seem very happy that the Republicans won the special election out there in Massachusetts. Even the woman who gave me my haircut at SuperCuts or GreatClips or wherever the hell I got it said she hoped the Dems “get what they have coming to ’em “.    And my […]


Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… It’s been kind of weird, but I have had so many reminders lately about how fast time flies by. This realization started for me a good 7 or 8 years ago on a certain level. I noticed it happening in my own life once I hit age 30. And as you […]

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