One of the Greatest Tribal Councils Ever on Survivor

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…….. After being off for a week due to the start of the NCAA tournament, Survivor aired on Wednesday night this week (again due to tournament coverage on its normal Thursday). And it was another good episode in what has been a very entertaining season. The show started with the usual coverage of […]


Rough Time For Some on Survivor

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. I had to DVR this past Thursday’s episode of Survivor and watch it on Sunday because I was out celebrating my 40th birthday from Thursday afternoon thru Saturday night. But now that I got that out of my system, it’s back to business. Looking for jobs and posting blogs. Thursday’s show […]


Survivor has its first blindside

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………… The Survivor episode that aired Thursday night started off with a rather surprising scene—-but hilarious nonetheless. Big, tough guy Coach broke down and cried like Gloria Stivic used to do on All in the Family. You know…..the whining and the sobbing and the sniffling……When he was doing it, I was laughing […]


Tribes Starting to Fracture on Survivor

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. This past Thursday’s episode of Survivor was pretty good. They had a good reward/immunity challenge on the surface, but in the end, it wasn’t much of a challenge. And the tribes are really starting to identify the people they don’t exactly like within their own ranks. The show started with JT offering […]


2nd Episode of Survivor Gets Catty

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. This past Thursday’s episode of Survivor really seemed to see the two tribes turn it up a notch as far as bickering and already targeting each other. And it was the heroes doing it more so than the villains. The first key event was when Boston Rob went down due to […]


Survivor All Stars Opens With a Bang !

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… I had to take a short hiatus the last 8-10 days as I attended to some family business out in Nevada. Unfortunately, my father passed away on Super Bowl Sunday. He was a great man and a great father and I’ll be sharing some memories of him in the coming days […]

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