If you don’t have a brother, get yourself one

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. I’ve extolled the virtues of family on some of my posts here a few times. My dad is battling some ill health right now and the whole family’s thoughts are with him constantly. My mom is the rock of the family. The epitome of a classic mom. Marian Cunningham from Happy […]


New year off to a bang already

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. So far the year is only four days old. But in several regards, it’s already off to a flying start. At least in Chicago and the surrounding area. First off, I want to remind you about the  West 34  gig coming up at Rolling Lanes in Countryside, IL on Friday, January 15. […]


Some wacky stuff in the news lately

Dude, I’m tellin ya’…………… First off, if you didn’t make it out for the Dick Ourada band this past Saturday night, then you really missed out. The band did three long sets and an encore including a little Ozzy (Crazy Train), a Waylon Jennings tune (Luckenbach Texas), a Grateful Dead tune (One More Saturday Night), […]

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