Approaching the wrong side of 40

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… In about a week, I’ll be turning 40. It hadn’t even dawned on me until the last few days. I have much greater things to worry about at this precise moment such as finding work and meeting the April 1 rent. But as I inch closer to that ceremonial mark—that is […]


I’ll Give Ya A Hero

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… As I see a couple of the biggest back-patting pageants on full display lately, it reminds me of how much we over-glorify those that don’t deserve it. People who have no business being celebrated in the overblown manner in which these shows do it. They are not deities. A good deal […]


What do we really know ?

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. As you watch the endless parade of doomsday shows that they air on the History Channel, some of them really get you thinking that we could be in trouble. And others just seem pretty dismissable. At least compared to the ones that sprinkle a little science in ’em. Seems like just […]


Asshole of the month January 2010

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… This month’s slimy stool could actually be the Asshole of the Month in just about any month over the past few years. The people who have been around him would tell you that thought could really apply to the last several years. But this scumbag is in the news yet again as […]


1st Week of Football Playoffs Ends With a Bang

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……. While me and the boys thoroughly enjoy the 17 weeks of the regular season for NFL football, nothing gets us revved up like the playoffs. Everybody is just a little more jacked and instead of focusing on several games at once, we can pour all of our intensity and enthusiasm into […]


More crazy-ass stories in the news

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. There’s some news stories coming out in the last few days that are of the variety that just make you shake your head. Could the Mayans be right? Is the world coming to an end in just over 1000 days? If we all keep acting like this, something has gotta give. Apparently […]


Asshole of the Month: December 2009

Dude, I’m tellin ya……….. I was tempted to forego selecting an Asshole of the Month for December and instead giving a huge honor to the overall 2009 Asshole of the Year. Really, that was just an idea to take the easy way out. I was finding the pickings somewhat slim this month. Some would say that Tiger […]


Asshole of the Month November 2009

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…….. There were a couple of solid contenders for this month’s award. I can’t tell you how bad I would like to honor Chicago Bears head coach Lovie Smith here today. But that’s more of a personal thing. Really, it’s a “Chicago” thing. And despite what he’s doing to my favorite football […]


Pretty please….stop trying to rip me off

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… I feel a little rant coming on. My really close friends would laugh at that because they’ve probably already heard the tirade. I often use my friends as the sounding board to gather and organize my ideas. Then I try and express them decently in this forum. My roommate and I laugh […]


A Couple of Departures; One Good, One Bad

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. Yesterday was a day where I learned of a couple of farewells happening in the world. Actually, I did know that one was imminent. But the other one caught me a bit off guard. You could also say that one departure was a good one. The other one I am a little disappointed to hear […]

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