Russell loses to Natalie in Survivor finale

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. In the two hour season finale of Survivor on Sunday night, southern belle Natalie beat mastermind Russell to win the $1,000,000 prize. I watched with a couple of fellow rabid fans and then a guy who had never watched an episode before. Ever. So it was all new and oftentimes amusing […]


Just to keep you updated on things……

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. Figured it’s been a couple of weeks since I took a look back at some of the posts/events in the news and brought us all up to speed. The Blackhawks, the best sports team in Chicago {See 10/1/09 post: Puck drops at 11AM }  as I proclaimed them just before the […]


Pretty please….stop trying to rip me off

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… I feel a little rant coming on. My really close friends would laugh at that because they’ve probably already heard the tirade. I often use my friends as the sounding board to gather and organize my ideas. Then I try and express them decently in this forum. My roommate and I laugh […]

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