Now That I’m 40, How ‘Bout A Bucket List ?

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. So as I announced Wednesday, yesterday was my 40th birthday. I made it. Sometimes there was some question as to whether that would happen. But over the last four or five years, I increased the chances quite a bit by settling into a more sedentary lifestyle. That certainly helped. So where am […]


A few of the old man’s favorite things

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… I’ve been back from Nevada for a week now and it’s been almost two weeks since I lost my dad. I have to say that I’ve been totally floored by the number of friends that have reached out, called, sent notes and messages. A few years ago, I was basically underground […]


Leaving your mark on the world

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… I’ve had some exposure recently to a few situations and conversations about a topic most people probably wouldn’t connect with being something I really believe in. I’m talking about being an organ donor. I really don’t exactly know why I feel rather strongly about it. I really don’t. There’s two reasons that might be […]


Idiots and Geniuses….Nature’s Delicate Balance

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… I caught up with a show recently on the dummy box profiling geniuses among us. Quite the dichotomy, I know. It was pretty impressive on what some kids can do. Adults too. But I’ve always marveled at profiles of child prodigies. I mean, three-quarters of the adults you come across every day […]

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